Friday, June 30, 2006

I'm a star....would you like my handprint?

Pictures should be coming fast and furious for a while...Pops is snap-happy. For those who wish to and are unfamiliar with the options, you can click to enlarge, or right click them to save to a jump drive or whatever and to take and print out for yourself. Pops is open to requests on poses, so feel free. Each downloaded image only costs $19.95 with checks made payable to The Daniels Family....just kidding- everything's free. For those of you who already know all of this stuff, why did you read this far?....Love Pops

Ok, so I figured out how to post images, and away we go....
Jazz is getting bigger by the second, and as of Monday he was 19 lbs. 3oz.! He giggles, and flips over from stomach to back, and supports his weight when you stand him up (no balance just yet, but it's coming soon). I wish I was that talented....This picture was taken last night. Pretty soon he'll be rocking himself to sleep at night.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Started the blog today for family and friends to watch Jasper Thomas Daniels grow up. I will periodically post comments and photos.

Looking forward to talking about my boy incessantly....Pops Daniels