Friday, July 28, 2006

The following is an excerpt from an upcoming article in Baby Supermodel Magazine:

"The life of a world famous baby supermodel must be tough. Take Jazz Daniels for instance. He is constantly hounded for handprints and never has a waking moment to be by himself. The situation has caused him to lash out recently by demanding his own edible trailer, a constantly filled bowl of M&M's (with all of the green ones picked out for some odd reason) and that his two personal assistants are with him on-set at all times. But despite recent rumors on the baby modeling circuit, Jazz swears that his 'spit-up episodes' are in no way an effort to keep his weight down. He has also missed a couple of recent shoots because when he rolls over onto his stomach, he cannot move and throws a tantrum. Despite all of the recent scuttle-butt, Jazz remains one of the most widely sought models and highly respected by his peers."

Monday, July 24, 2006

I'm getting a tooooooooooth!!!!!!

Friday, July 21, 2006

There a whole lotta rolling goin on.... Jazz rolls over and over all day long... After one indiscriminate roll, he'll get mad that he cannot crawl yet and begins yelling at his toys for not coming to him and jumping into his mouth.

Compare and Contrast: It's like some kind of reverse before and after Weight Watchers ad.

Monday, July 17, 2006

A funny hat and two big smiles.

"The Reds traded Kearns, Lopez, and Wagner for who!?!?"
What? This is how Einstein started off.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Simply the two finest human beings in the world, and pretty damn cute to boot.

The Jazz version of Julius Ceasar's triumverate: "I ate, I played, I slept."

Note: The fourth part, "I pooped," was graciously omitted from this photo spread.

Baby Road Rage:

"Pops is always walking too slow in the fast lane...mommy darts in and out of the room...gammy's on her cell I the only one who knows how to drive around here?....wait until I stop putting my middle finger in my mouth!"

Saturday, July 01, 2006

As told to me by Jazz this afternoon: "Ok, so let me get this straight Pops. I only work every five days by throwing a little white ball 85-95 mph with my left arm and get paid millions for it. Uh-huh....and you say that I don't have to work in the winter and the longest I would possibly have to work is 20 years. And girls...they would like me too? Upon reflection I would have to say yes, please strap my right arm down please. Train my left arm to be a bolt of lightning. I'd like this life of which you speak.....Goo-goo-ga-ga-and stuff"

No way...I can't beat your hand....Is 4 of a kind any good?

It's 5 a.m. Do you know where your parents are?